Wednesday, February 8, 2017

Adventure in Thailand: Part 25

February 8th, 2017

Today is a formal farewell day from Suratthani Rajabhat University. All head of departments and mentors are invited to the dinner tonight in Wang Sa Hotel. Unfortunately, the busy-man, Dr. Tim will not join us tonight. To pay his absence, he gave us free lunch. Hahaha, Alhamdulillah. Tbh, he also asked Kyla to go with us, but she couldn't go because Mr. Potjanat has just finished evaluate her and need to talk with her. So yeah. We went to the restaurant with his friend, Ajarn Wo (Honestly, until now, I don't know how to spell her name). He is an ajarn in Suratpittaya as well. Since tomorrow the school will have the open house, so she can't park the car inside the school. We walked maybe 400 meters to the parking area. I think she's older than Dr. Tim, so when she drove the car, I feel like a whole family (brother and sisters) haha. The restaurant we went quite far from the school. It's called "Green Health Restaurant". At the very first, I thought "OMG, that must be a vegetarian restaurant" and turned out I was wrong Hahaha.. Dr. Tim order a lot of foods. Shrimps, veggies, fish, soup, mixed vegetables (in Indonesia we call it Capcay, in Philippine they call that Capsuy). Overall the foods, so damn good! 

Take a look 😍

For the drink, Dr. Tim suggested one of his favorite drink. Mango juice. When he said that I immediately said OK (because I remember mango juice that they sell in the street and back in Indonesia, sweet and refreshing), but when the waitress came and brought the juice, 100% wrong. That was a raw mango juice. They even mixed everything from that mango (except the seed). It was kinda sour, but the taste for me still okay. Hehe. Of course, I eat and drink everything.

Raw mango juice :3

After back from the restaurant, we went to Alyssa's office. Kyla also went to the Alyssa's office. He just finished the talk session with Mr. Potjanat. I saw her properties and it's so cute na! Look what I've got. A mouse complete with the cheese. Funny right?

Careful, I will stole your cheese 555

Since I didn't know what to do, and I saw a lot of teacher went out so I collect all my braveness and ask one ajarn what she want to do. She said she want to prepare the booths for tomorrow Open House (OH) then I asked her can I join her, and of course she allowed me to do that. We went down stairs and went to SMTE group. They was preparing a solar system things. So cute. I was helping them with the balloons.

SMTE (Science, Maths, Technology, and Environment) Team

Since I wasn't look around yet, Ajarn Sum asked me to take a look to every booths they had. So yeah, let's go I say, and it's the wrap:

Mathematics Dept Booth

I took a longer time in General Science Program (GSP) since I know the teachers and we talked a lot (literally a lot). Several students that were preparing the booth also my students so they know me and we talk a lot too. They even gave me a glass of pepsi (I didn't even help them at that time. I felt guilty now).

Teacher in GSP

This is super creative for me. GSP's booth

Before we go back, I bumped with Kyla and we were strolling around. Alyssa joined us later. There are a lot of students were preparing the booths. I think they will have some prizes for the best booths (?). I attracted by this group of dancer. Traditional Thai dancer. Ahhh too bad we have to go home to prepare for dinner because Mr. Potjanat will pick us at 5 pm.

Love the headpieces 💖

Mr. Potjanat allowed us to wear the traditional (or national costumes). We went there with several cars. I went to the hotel by Mr. Potjanat's car with Dian, Muti, Alyssa, and Kyla. We had so much fun tonight, and it's the wrap!

So crowded haha (much more crowded with our costumes)

Welcome board in front of the hotel

Goodbye sign 😢

The foods (fish, prawn, veggies)

Aaaa, on the previous blog, I owe you to explain my whole traditional costume, right? So here it is. This is the original traditional costume that we have. It must be a yellow or green color or both of them just like mine. The border is made from a hundreds or more beads. SO cute right?


And for this special occasion, I will introduce you guys with my fellow student teacher friends!

First, her name is Mutiara Syifa. She is from Indonesia University of Education, Bandung. She is majoring physics education and she is the 4th year student. She is my best-friend tho! You will read a lot of her story with me later in Bangkok edition.

Muti and Me

Next, she is Edmy Kyla Rien M. Santos. She is from Philippine Normal University, Manila. She is majoring speech and theater art education and she is the 4th year student.


Next, she is Zahra Mujahida. She is from Islamic University of Indonesia, Yogyakarta. She is majoring chemistry education and she is the 3rd year student.

Cheer up Zahra!

Next, she is Siti Hardian. She is from State University of Makassar, Makassar. She is majoring primary education and she is the 3rd year student. She is also the youngest among us. She's just 19 y.o. She's my little baby (for real, I used to call her little baby).

My little baby

Next, she is Satya Mardi Ayuningrum. She is from Sebelas Maret Univeristy, Surakarta. She is majoring mathematics education and she is the 3rd year student. She is the first person that found me to be the part of Surat's team. Thank you na Satya!


Next, she is Nuriska Makdiani. She is from UHAMKA, Jakarta. She is majoring mathematics education and she is the 3rd year student. She is also my roommate (for a while). She's also my "curhat" friend whenever she went back to the dorm. I love you na, N'Nuris.


Next, she is Putri Dewi Indah Wulan. She is from Islamic University of Indonesia, Yogyakarta. She is majoring islamic education and she is the 3rd year student. She's also my baby girl. I think she is the most fashionable chick (beside Phine) ahahaha...

Look how cute her smile, right?
Next, she is my beloved Alyssa Mae Segundo Espino. She is from Saint Louis University, Baguio City. She is majoring the same major as me, biology education and she is the 4th year student! She's my best roommate (for forever) I love her so bad~

Thanks Alyssa for the unforgettable memories ever

Last but not least, she is Josephine Arquero. She is from Philippine Normal University, Manila. She is majoring speech and theater art education and she is the 4th year student. She's the wisest girl among us and fashionable chick just like Putri. I adore her and her kindness.


And they are all the SRU team that help us a lot during our stay in Surat Thani. Love ya!

Formal Pic

With daddy~

We went  back to the dorm at 09.30 pm I guess and after that we have to prepare our presentation for tomorrow seminar. I think we will stay awake until dawn, pray for us hahaha....

After all, we just 10 little kids (even several of us already the 4th year students). We love to tease each other because we care for each other. I thank to the God for choosing me to have this opportunity to met them and be family with them. Thank you SEA-teacher, thank you all. God bless.. Have a nice night! Bye~

Tuesday, February 7, 2017

Adventure in Thailand: Part 24

February 7th, 2017

Finally the day has come! FINAL EVALUATION DAY!

We went to the office really early today because we don't want to be late at this very important day in our life !! (over-drama detected 😂). Based on the schedule, Alyssa will be evaluated first. At 10.30 am (or so) Dr. Tim asked me to go to the academic affair building with Alyssa. After we arrived there, he introduce us to Dr. Bannarak Khumraksa. He is our university supervisor from SRU. Before meet him, I thought he is an old man. Haha, turned out, he's quite young. Maybe at his early 30. After a short intro, we went to Alyssa's class. I saw her teach very good from the outside. I think, she will get a high score! I hope so. After he finished evaluate Alyssa, we asked him to eat lunch with us. But he said he want to have lunch outside, so yeah. He will be back at 12 pm for my session.

Alyssa being evaluated

While Alyssa being evaluated by Dr. Bannarak and Dr. Tim, I went to Ajarn Yasaeng class. She is a biology teacher for mathayom 4 (grade 10). Today she taught about microscope to the students, and she allowed me to help the students to operate the microscope. In Thailand, even the subject being taught by the teachers with Thai language, some part of the subject especially biology like microscope parts, cell parts, metabolism, and many more are still written in English. Unlike in Indonesia, we had translation from English to Indonesia for each term. In fact, they didn't have that here.

Matayhom 4 with Ajarn Yasaeng

The students were really excited to operate the microscope because ajarn said this is their first time to hold and operate one of the most important lab thing. 

"Teacher Nida, please take us a picture!" -- "Oke kha! 😊"

At the beginning, Ajarn Yasaeng told me that they will use student microscope. I thought that will be just the same with our student microscope in Indonesia and I am 100 wrong. Their definition of student microscope is a binocular, electric, and fashionable (ok, it's just my own term na haha). It's so much better than Indonesian students have. I bet that microscope is expensive. 

Thailand Student Microscope

Ajarn Yasaeng gave them 2 slides of ready-to-use specimens. Mostly plant specimens. At the first time, I saw the students really struggle to use the microscope, of course, today was their first time to use it. Since Ajarn Yasaeng couldn't come to each group at the same time, she asked me to help her and gave some directions to the students. They were very humble to listen my explanations.

Group 1 -- Khap phun kha na!

Exactly, this class will be over at 12.00 pm. But I remember, today was also my evaluation day. So I said to ajarn Yasaeng that I need to go earlier and can't join the class until finish. She said okay and she was pray and wish me luck for my evaluation. She is quite modern and fashionable. Before I leave, she asked me to take some pictures.

Ajarn Yasaeng and Future (Ajarn) Nida

12.00 pm. I asked my mentor to join Dr. Bannarak at the classroom and that was the longest 2 hours I've ever spent in my life! I don't know why, the class used to be so active and fun the last time I taught them, but today they were so quite and inactive. Maybe because that was a lunch time or what I don't know. I gave them lecture for the first hour and the second hour, I let them enjoy my game. It called Course Review Hooray! It supposed to be use in mathematics learning, but I want to give it a try to use it to teach biology. It was full of risk to be honest, since I used it for my final evaluation day. But Alhamdulillah, the students really into this game and the game went so well. The game itself, just like Bingo game. You just write number 1-16 randomly inside the boxes and put the answer based on the number of the questions that I said. Group with the most correct answer and most Bingo lines will be the winner.

Lecture Session

Lecture Session

As my mentor want me to give the student individual evaluation, then I gave them individual evaluation at the last session before the class end. It was a short news about Ta Pi river (the famous river in Surat Thani). To help the students, I also gave the vocabulary part (written in English - definition - and written in Thai). The students struggled to answer the question, so I walked around the class just in case the students can't answer or understand the question.

Students evaluation

Finally! The class is over. Since today will be my last day to teach them, then I said goodbye and apologize to them maybe during my class I did some mistake to them or else. Before I close the class, one student (exactly he is my fave male student after all) came in front and asked the microphone. I was confuse, what will he do tho? Turned out, he represented his friend to say thank you and sorry if they didn't well-behave or else.  Today, in that classroom, for the first time I felt really heart-touched. I felt sensitive hahaha about this farewell to my students. Ahhh, as the teacher (well I am not really a teacher yet) now I understand how's the feeling. Just imagine if you are their teacher for maybe 3 years or more and you have to send them away, to catch their dream.. to have better future. I can't imagine how sad that would be. Huhuhu... If any of my teachers read my blog, I just want to say sorry and thank you very much for everything you gave, you sacrifice for us. I love you!

Boat action 😎

To end the class, I asked the students, Dr. Salubsri, and Dr. Bannarak to took some pictures. Alyssa came to the class and she was helping me to take us the pictures. I will never ever forget this moment. I will cherish it for the rest of my life and I will proudly say that I used to be your teacher in Thailand for a while. For my favorite class, Mathayom 6/10, I just want to wish you all guys good luck for the O-National Examination Test (ONET, but I forgot what exactly the O stands for haha). Good luck in your university life. I will never say that uni-life will be easier than high school, but I hope God will give you all more strength to face the difficulties ahead. See you soon my students!

I will never forget you guys! 💗💋😢

Since Alyssa and I finished our final evaluation (pardon me if sometimes I inconsistent using term "evaluation" or "examination". That's just the same) so we decided to have some celebration. We went to CentralPlaza. Kyla tbh will be evaluated by Mr. Batman tomorrow, but she already finished the preparation so she joined. First of all, Alyssa want to change her 20 dollar to some baht. We went to the bank, and turned out the procedures to change your money in the bank is so difficult. They asked for passport, phone number, address, and many more. Thank God I made my ATM card in Indonesia, so I don't have to change my money in the bank, just simply take my money from the machine. In Thailand, especially in Surat Thani, I think it's pretty usual to have many banks inside the Plaza. I've counted and found out there are 7 banks inside CentralPlaza. Whoa, in Indonesia especially in Banjarmasin, we could only find Bank's ATM Machine inside the mall. Hahaha.. If you want to store your money or do some things with the costumer service, you need to go to the bank office outside the mall. Well, I think with a lot of banks inside the Plaza, they will give the costumers a lot of benefit. For example, if you want to store your money and you want to do some groceries, just simply go to the Plaza and you could do both of them. You save some time and energy tho.

Teller inside the bank

After finished the things inside the bank, we went to food plaza. I had seafood. I forgot the name, but it taste good. It's kinda spicy but not really. Haha.. It was among 55 baht.

Rice with seafood something

We went back to the dorm really late, I think it was almost 10 or so. Mr. Batman told us that tomorrow we will have Farewell Dinner. Huaaa, I hate farewell things! Due to some problems, he said that there will be no performance or else. Just casual dinner. So we are not sure if we could wear our national costumes or no. Since most of must bring heavy national costume and it's kinda make us heart-broken if we are not wearing them tomorrow, so Alyssa, Kyla, and I decided to give it a try and have some fun! That was my very first time saw Filipino Natcos. It has a very big sleeve hahaha... But it's quite cute and unique and full of history at the same time. Theirs called as María Clara. It has been connected to the María Clara character because of her traits: delicate, feminine, self-assured and with a sense of identity. The María Clara outfit is the only Philippine national attire that is named after a literary figure.  

Selfie princess

And for my national costume, well it's not a national costume because our national costume is Kebaya and Batik (for daily or formal occasion) but mostly every province in Indonesia has their own traditional costume and this is one of many traditional costume from South Kalimantan. It's called Galuh Banjar. Galuh has several meaning. In Sanskrit it means diamond. But in South Kalimantan it means a girl that have not married yet (a.k.a virgin) and Banjar is our place name. SO basically, back then, this costume only allow to wear by a virgin girl. It's sacred people, haha. It has 4 different parts; skirt, blouse, veil, and accessories but since the accessories are really heavy and many, I didn't bring them to Thailand haha. If you guys lucky, I will wear it tomorrow and give you guys a whole picture of this costume okay, so stay tune!

Modernization at its finest 😂😂

It's already 11.55 pm. I am exhausted and I think I wanna go to my bed now. So see you tomorrow in Farewell dinner (and maybe many more haha). Bye~

Monday, February 6, 2017

Adventure in Thailand: Part 23

February 6th, 2017

One day before final evaluation, arghhh my nerves become so tense right now. I know I've prepared all of the things I want to bring to the classroom and I know tomorrow won't be my first time being evaluate (since I've done once back home in Banjarmasin when I had my PPL (3 months teaching practices in high school) but still, I'm feeling nervous. 

We went to school at almost 8. We woke up late haha.. But it's okay, since we didn't have morning classes today. So my mentor asked me to go observe her class at period 4-5. Turned out that's the class I went before haha Mathayom 6/8. Today they've learned about population. After almost a month here, finally I know how to called something that they always perform to the older person. It's called "wai" 🙏. According to Wikipedia (slightly click the wikipedia letter to go to the link), Wai is a Thai usual greeting consists of a slight bow, with the palms pressed together in a prayer-like fashion. Uuu, I love when my students perform wai to me. It feels like they give me a lot of respect. 💕

Perform Wai to Ajarn Salubsri 🙏

Because today the class was full (didn't like the first time  I went to their class) so I sat in the back. At the beginning the table was empty. No one sit in the back. But after 30 minutes or so, came 3 boys to the classroom. They were late. I was confuse, why Ajarn Salubsri just let them enter the class even if that was 30 minutes late. Turned out, that 3 boys usually skip the class, so she let them come late. She said it's better rather than they skip the class, right? Haha, I totally agree then if she said so. During the session, they talked a lot in Thai but sometimes in English (they recognized my presence there haha finally). They asked me several question about the lesson that day. We also had so much fun. Hahaha.. I am gonna miss them later especially this two guys!

Ajarn Nida's fave students from M 6/8 💣😎

After observation, I went back to the office to print some stuff for tomorrow final evaluation and suddenly some junior teachers gather and prepare for a surprise. I didn't know a the first time whose birthday is it? Mr. X a.k.a Mr. Kittipong (Head of Science Department) told me that today is Ajarn Sum's birthday. She was inside the meeting room (a lot of teachers like to stay inside the meeting room maybe because it's cooler inside and have fluffy seats haha) and Mr. X played some drama and told a student's mom come for some complains about her teaching things. With some shock expression (I still remember perfectly her worry and panic face looks like) she came out from the meeting room and all of us suddenly sang "Happy Birthday" first in Thai version and second in English version. It was a very good surprise. We took some pictures before ate the cakes. Here we go...

สุขสันต์วันเกิด Ajarn Sum!

I remember other teacher bought various cakes. Lemon, orange, chocolate, green tea, coconut, and vanilla. My favorite was the orange and green tea. Damn that was delicious. Even until now, I still could imagine the taste in my buds. Hahaha..

Pardon, I am not a food photographer 🍰

In the afternoon, I went to Alyssa's class with Dr. Tim as well until 15.45. She taught about exponential growth and logistic growth to this classroom. I don't know why, the students from this class usually well-behave. But today, my God. They didn't! Even Alyssa sometimes raise her voice just to get their attention. So bad kha 😢

Alyssa in action! Su Su na Ajarn!

Kyla didn't go home with us today because the teacher from her department asked her to go out for some dinner. Kyla never forgot her team (huehehe, benefit for me and Alyssa). When she came home, she gave us this dessert (or cake, or whatever it is). It's sweet. I think it made from sticky rice flour or something. It's greenish and wrapped with palm-like-leave. It was delicious even it was my first time to eat that. Hahaha..

Outside look

Inside look

However, I think I couldn't sleep tonight because of this weird feeling called : NERVOUS for tomorrow evaluation. Wish me luck. I am Nida and I'm checking out ! bye!

Sunday, February 5, 2017

Adventure in Thailand: Part 22

February 5th, 2017

"I still have 7 days left before I go back, I need to do something unforgettable a.s.a.p"
That sentence keep playing in my mind. LOL. Maybe because I have so many things to think. Aaaa, we just got back from vacation but I feel I need another vacation right now. Remember on the previous blog that I told our mentor from SRP will take us to another beach today, yeah, unfortunately it's cancelled. They said because they need to prepare for M6 ONET. 

Because of that, Alyssa and I woke up late today and just finished out learning media and material for final evaluation on Tuesday. Just wish us luck and will get an excellent scores okay!

Saturday, February 4, 2017

Adventure in Thailand: Part 21

February 4th, 2017
🌊 Special Edition: Holiday in Koh Samui 🌊

Yohooo! Finally, the day has come! We went to Koh Samui today! Hahahaha.. Our adventure began at 04.30 am because we need to take shower and put some make up on (you know, girls stuffs) before ready to go! Mr. Batman and campus' van arrived at 6.33, all ready except Putri. She woke up late and still in the shower when he arrived. We all went to the van and took a seat and wait for Putri with nervous feeling. First, because she is late and we all afraid that Mr. Batman will angry to us. Second, because the ferry will leave the port at 07.30 am and it takes maybe 30 - 40 minutes to go there (sorry I gave wrong information on the previous post hehe). But Thank GOD, at 06.45 finally she's ready and we start our journey.

We sat in the back-seat (blurry pic especially Nuriska, sorry girl) 😂

After 38 minutes (approximately), we arrived at the port. Mr. Batman bought us the ticket and we got the passenger ticket. It was a card honestly. It's kinda different from Indonesian Ferry. Because in Indonesia we usually only get paper ticket instead of a card. Hahaha, another culture shock. Mr. Batman said exactly there are two different ferry providers, Seatran and Raja Ferry. According to Mr. Batman and Tripadvisor, Seatran company is better than Raja Ferry because of their service and facilities on board. So that's why many tourist choose Seatran than Raja Ferry. Since we only use Seatran, so I couldn't give my personal opinion about it. Just click the link if you need more information about Seatran or Raja Ferry.

Seatran Passenger Ticket.

At the port terminal, we wait maybe 25 minutes (or more, I forgot) before the departure. The terminal room is quite big with a lot of chairs so the passengers don't have to feel worry to stand all the time haha. 07.30 am the staff was announcing that our ferry was ready and we went to the ferry to board. I amazed with the system. Turned out, we need to insert the card to the automatic gate to board the ferry. Woa, amazing. I never saw something like this before.

Automatic gate to board the ferry

Since at that time so the sun not really burn our skin (yet), we went to the rooftop to snap some  pictures. See, it was like "Father-Daughters" moment, right?

Pre departure wefie!

The ferry took maybe 1 hour before we arrive in Koh Samui. We continued our trip using the same van that took us in the city. Mr. Batman said he will take us to several landmarks in Koh Samui, and our first destination is Lamai Beach. There are two different landmarks in Lamai Beach which are Hin Ta (Grandpa Rock) and  Hin Yai (Grandma Rock). Mr. Batman said we need to use our imagination if we want to get what's exactly the meaning of Grandpa and Grandma rocks.

Tourist map in Lamai Beach

In Thailand, the government always put tourist map everywhere, that will make the tourist get information easier. They put the sign in two language, English and Thai.

Lamai Beach scenery

After walking maybe 2 minutes we arrived at the main landmarks. Remember that Mr. Batman said we need to use our imagination before? Turned out the shape of the rocks imitate something vital for a male and a female. Hahaha.. the rock shaped like (sorry) penis and vagina. Hahaha.. 

Left: Hin Yai Rock , Right: Hin Ta Rock (Courtesy:

The Hin Ta/Hin Yai legend is a tale of tragedy tinged with hope, as described on a signboard near the rocks: “A folklore of Samui Island tells the story of an old couple by the name of Ta Kreng (Grandpa Kreng) and Yai Riem (Grandma Riem) who lived with their son in the southern province of Nakhon Si Thammarat. Since their son had come of age, they felt that it was time he got married. “One day they decided to sail to the neighbouring province of Prachuap Khiri Khan to ask for the hand of the daughter of a man named Ta Monglai. During their sea journey, their boat was seized by a storm. The old man and his wife were unable to swim ashore. They died at sea, turning into rocks as proof to the would-be bride's parents of their true intentions. The rocks stand there to this day.”

In Indonesia, there's a trend. What kind of trend? Well, if you're traveling outside your hometown it's like a must to send some greetings to friends and family. It's a simple one. Just write their name and location where we are and snap the pic. Just like the pic below. I know for some people it looks like very unusual, but in Indonesia, it's like an appreciation and a good gesture that you still remember your friends and family during your trip outside. Hahaha..

Salam kekinian (Greetings card for friends) -- trending topic in Indonesia

A trip will never complete without documentations. So, never forget to charge your camera's battery and snap a thousand pictures if it's necessary. Beside take some pictures, you also could go to shop some merchandise in the souvenirs market. Tips: don't forget to bargain so you could get a reasonable price. Sorry I forgot to snap picture from the souvenirs market.


Another "father-daughters" moment 😂

3rd batch of SEA-Teacher 2017 - Surat Thani team!

After 1 hour in Lamai Beach, we moved to another landmark. It's like a terrace or something. From this landmark, we could see an ocean (whoa haha). But it was very hot at that time. So we just spent maybe 20 minutes there.

As far as you can see, only ocean

At 12.30 pm, we went to International School of Tourism (ISoT), Suratthani Rajabhat Univeristy (SRU) to had lunch and small talks about seminar and farewell party. So basically, SRU has several campuses. As far as I know, one in Surat Na-San road in Muang Surat Thani and one in Koh Samui.

Welcome sign in front of the campus

Mr. Batman said that usually they'll held international seminars in Koh Samui campus, so after the seminar, the participants could do some sightseeing around Koh Samui. The architecture in ISoT more modern and have several elevators. They also have hotel inside the campus and it's open to public. For more information just simply click the link >> International School of Tourism


We were starving and alhmadulillah the food was really good! Since we usually only eat preheat food that we bought from 7-11, every time we have chance to eat good food, we never think twice haha. They served fried rice, fried wings, and cucumber. For dessert they served monkey apple or Annona glabra (see the green things in the picture below). TBH, I never saw or ate this kind of apple before. According to Wikipedia, Annona glabra is a tropical fruit tree in the family Annonaceae, in the same genus as the Soursop and Cherimoya.

Delicious foods!

After lunch and pray, we continue our trip to the Big Buddha Temple. Wat Phra Yai or Big Buddha temple is Koh Samui‘s most famous landmark. This temple has a 12 meter (40foot) high Buddha statue located on the north eastern beach of Bang Rak (Big Buddha Beach). The Buddha statue was built in 1972. Big Buddha Temple was built on a small island connected to Koh Samui by a causeway. The Statue is placed on a elevated platform which can be reached by a stairway flanked with Nagas (mythological serpents). The platform provides a great view to the neighboring island of Koh Phangan as well as Bang Rak beach.

The Big Buddha Statue

In the platform, you also can found big bell like the picture below. There's a mythology. I don't even know if it's true or not. They said if you ring the bell while you're thinking of your wishes, it will granted. You can believe it or just leave it haha

Big bell in the platform

Behind the temple, next to the parking lot, we could see some statues. A father, 2 sons, 2 wives (1 human and 1 mermaid), and 1 guru (teacher). Mr. Batman said that was a Thai famous poet. He told me about the story, but fool me, I forgot to write or record his story, so I simply went to the internet and found the whole story. Just read below!

Phra Aphai Mani (พระอภัยมณี) and his brother, Sisuwan (ศรีสุวรรณ), are Thai princes. Their father sent them away to study with the hope that they would gain knowledge to help them rule the country. Sisuwan learned to sword fight and Phra Aphai Mani learned to play a magical flute that could put people to sleep or kill them. When they returned home, their father was angered by what they had learned and drove them away.

One day while Aphai's companions were lulled to sleep by the sound of his pipe, a female ogress named Nang Phisua Samut (นางผีเสื้อสมุทร), came and took Aphai away to her cave. She disguised herself as a beautiful maiden and Aphai fell in love with her. They lived together until she bore a son, Sinsamut (สินสมุทร). When Aphai found out that his wife was really an ogress, he fled with his son. He was assisted by a family of mermaids, a father, mother, and daughter. The father and mother were caught and eaten by the ogress. The mermaid daughter took Aphai and Sinsamut to Kokaew Phitsadan (Wonder Island) where a hermit saved them from the ogress. Aphai married the mermaid daughter and they had a son, named Sutsakhon (สุดสาคร).

One day, a ship, carrying King Silarat (ท้าวสิลราช) and Princess Suwwanmali of Phleuk (สุวรรณมาลี), passed Wonder Island. The princess was engaged to marry Prince Usaren (อุศเรน) of Lanka. Aphai and Sinsamut asked to join the ship, but the ogress saw them and became very angry. Nang Phisua Samut attacked them and killed King Silarat. Aphai escaped to the shore, where he played his magic flute and killed the ogress. Afterwards, he met Prince Usaren, who was looking for his fiancée.

Meanwhile, Sinsamut swam with the princess to an island and met Sisuwan and his daughter, Arun Rasami (อรุณรัศมี). Together, they went in search of Phra Aphai. When they found Phra Aphai and Usaren, Princess Suwwanmali refused to leave with Usaren. The two parties fought and Prince Usaren fled to his homeland of Lanka.

Phra Aphai continued on to Phleuk where the queen asked him to rule the country. Angry at Phra Aphai for daring to give her up to Usaren, Princess Suwwanmali fled to become a nun. But later with the trick of a maid, Nang Wali (นางวาลี), Suwanmali abandoned the nunhood to marry Phra Aphai. She bore him twin daughters named Soisuwan and Chantasuda.

Years later, Usaren and his father returned to attack Phleuk. The father was killed and Usaren died heart-broken. The throne of Lanka fell to his sister, Nang Laweng. The very beautiful Laweng decided to take revenge. She declared to all the princes in neighboring that whoever could kill King Aphai would have her and her kingdom. Nine armies moved to surround Phleuk. Aphai followed Laweng and eventually won her love, but the war continued until a hermit came and helped to stop the war between them.

Just like at the Lamai Beach, in Big Buddha Temple you also can found souvenirs market. I didn't buy souvenirs here because later I will spend 1 day in Bangkok, I will buy some souvenirs there I guess. After 1 hours here, we continue our trip to the last destination. It's like a beach club. It's called The Wharf Samui. A lot of cafe and tourists gather here. The beach is really clean, and tbh, the sand -- literally the whitest sand I've ever seen in my life.

Beach with white sand

I didn't go to swim because I was too lazy to bring a lot of stuff haha, but Muti and Kyla went swimming. I just lay down on the sand and enjoy the view, the vibe, the air. ahhh, refreshing.

Squad! INDO x PHIL

Why everything good must come to an end? After a whole day adventure in Koh Samui, we finally have to go back to the port to catch the ferry that will take us home. I do believe my parents will be happy if I could manage to bring them there, especially my father, he loves beach. Well, just like the sign said. BON VOYAGE KOH SAMUI, I'LL DEFINITELY COME BACK AS SOON AS POSSIBLE 💕

See you later